About Us

Hello there,

We are honored that you would visit our site. If you are here for yourself as a grieving individual, we first want to say, we're so sorry for your loss. Regardless of the age of your loved one, loss is one of many difficult challenges to endure in this life. If you are visiting us to look for a sympathy gift for a loved one or friend then we offer our condolences for their loss, and thank you for choosing us to be part of your and their journey of grief.

We experienced three losses ourselves; 1 miscarriage, 1 D&C, and one infant loss at the young age of 7 months and 20 days to SIDS. Each one hit us hard, but the loss of Samuel (the 7 month old) was the biggest and hardest things we've ever gone through. He passed away May 17, 2019 just 10 days before his 8th month. He brought so much joy, had an incredible smile, and had the best natural mohawk. His death was incredibly unexpected and came with no warning. We still cry, and have many moments of sorrow, but we also have many new moments of joy and excitement as we keep seeking to find happiness on a daily basis.

Happiness can come even after such a difficult trial. Happiness is a choice and something that is available to everyone even during painful situations. We know however, that it can take quite a while before happiness is felt like happiness. So don't feel bad for being sad and having constant sorrow, but also don't feel bad for feeling joy and having moments of happiness. Whatever your journey is we hope you can find light in the darkness, peace in the silence, comfort in the words shared, and understanding in the unexpected changes. 

We here at Guardian Children hope to bring you many beautiful options in the near future and as we grow, to bring sympathy and love in memory of our Guardian Children. ❤️